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04.07.2024 | כח סיון התשפד

134 Bar-Ilan Graduates Received MD Degree

The ceremony was held at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine campus in Safed. 40% of all graduates intend to join medical centers in northern Israel

טקס רפואה

On Monday, July 8, 2024, 75 female and 59 male doctors left the halls of Bar-Ilan University's Azrieli Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee after officially receiving their certification. Our new doctors are entering the field during an incredibly complex time, as we are in the midst of a war with multiple casualties, including in the northern region where the faculty is located. Among them are reserve service members, evacuees, and those who have suffered tragic losses.

83 of our new doctors are graduates of the four-year program, designed for those with undergraduate degrees in scientific fields. 51 are graduates of the three-year program, intended for Israeli students who have successfully completed two full years of pre-clinical studies at a recognized medical school abroad. 40% of all graduates intend to remain in the north and integrate into its medical centers.

"We were placed by the university in Safed with a sense of Zionist mission, to strengthen the healthcare system in the Galilee," says Professor Orly Avni, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. "The Faculty of Medicine is affiliated with six hospitals in the northern region and hundreds of community health centers of various health funds. Over 1,100 doctors teach at the faculty and affiliated medical centers. We are committed to excellent medical education and to nurturing a new generation of doctors who will turn the Galilee into a region excelling in medical services. At the same time, our graduates integrate well into all medical centers across the country."

Professor Avni sees the integration of new doctors into Galilee hospitals as a success. One of her stated goals is to connect the faculty's students to the Galilee during their studies, including through courses exposing them to the Galilean community and its health system. "Our success is credited to the management and the academic, clinical, and administrative staff, who are fully committed to the success of the vision of an excellent medical faculty in the Galilee."

To the Faculty of Medicine's study programs>